Sunday, February 17, 2013

Setting up Astrid to get things done

I have come up with following Tags after some search on internet and tweaking the findings based on my experience & me needs. It might be useful to others who use To-Do apps with Tagging support e.g. Astrid, RTM, etc.


These are mutually exclusive: #GIKIAA #LMKR #Personal

GIKIAA is volunteer work and LMKR is my employer. So one can replace these two with #Volunteer and #Work respectively.


Some of these are not mutually exclusive e.g. something you can do both at office or home BUT if something can be done anywhere then you may have @anywhere

@Car @Computer @Home @Office @Pharmacy @Market @Dubai


First four are generally Mutually exclusive: .Call .Email .Read .Meet .BrainDead .Block

BrainDead are the tasks that I do when I have zero energy to do something more meaningful e.g. Take backup. Block are the tasks that are impeding something e.g. Heater is broken, Server has crashed)


Mostly mutually exclusive but there can be tasks that need feedback from multiple people: !Father !Wife !CEO !VP 

I have many more especially for key people and even group !subordinate but since I am a manager so I also have tags for the teams that i am managing: -Team1 -Team2


Actually this is for any thing that is multistep. So it can be projects or releases or even epics (grand user stories): --ProjectNextGen --Release2013.1.0 -Epic2314


For task "Hire Waqqas Jabbar's replacement" I would put: #Work @Computer @Home @Work .Email !VP -ARCH

As I am using Astrid so I don't need tags for “When” and Priority. Otherwise I would have had something like +Today *HIGH

Hope this helps.

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