Wednesday, December 07, 2005

.. i am learnign things that i should have learnt 12 months ago. Yesterday i figured out how to send the print command to DSV printer from a personal laptop. Today i learnt how to transfer money from one account to another using internet :p.. i transfered 10 SEK to start with :d.. but it's a great service and very fast especially if the accounts are in the same bank.. Johan Mattsson at DSV helped me with Swedish for the second find. While Martin Rimka gave me the tip for first one.
And just 1 hour ago i was in Kista Galleria when i saw Europe The Band signing their latest DVD album. If you don't know who they are even then you might have heard on of their song i.e. The Final Countdown.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Hair Cut

Yes my long hairs are gone. The picture based horror story will be posted here soon.

Thesis Defence

On 2nd December i did defence of my thesis. On Right you can see Tallat who slept for only 3 hours before comming to my presentation and he really is trying hard to understand. In front of him from left to right are Fredrik liljeros, Lisa Brouwers and Fredrik Ollson. And you can also see Magnus who was my MS Thesis advisor. I think he was finding more mistakes in my thesis then :). And by the way Fredrik Ollson is a good photographer and i didn't know that he would be comming else i would have asked him to take few pics.

Here is another view you can see Cherry Yun Yang on left. She was my opponent. You can also see another guy sitting in back row. His name is Wah-Sui Almberg and he is a PHD student under Magnus Boman here at DSV. And he is Sino-Swede.

I am trying hard to convince the audiance that scatter plot is the best option for this thesis :p

Say hi to the whole team. Magnus Boman (Advisor), Fredrik liljeros (Advisor from SMI), Yun Yang aka Cherry (Opponent), Asim Ghaffar (Thesis Author) and Jón Grétar Gudjonsson (only lonley Active Listener).

Me with Fredrik. Becuase of him i finally tasted a proper Swedish dish :).

ME and Yun Yang. Everyone call her cherry and so do she herself. She was my opponent and i think she did a good job and she did it as per book.

Cherry the opponent

Jon listening actively

Magnus Boman and Lisa Brouwers.

And my desi gang... Tallat (he slept at 7 am only to wake up at 10 am to attend my presentation), Faisal Ghias Mir (HE didn't sleep at all the night before so that he dont miss my seminar), Asim Ghaffar (He had plenty of sleep before the seminar), Malik Abdul Rehman (International Morale booster/ Foreign Minister/ Sports Minister/ Cultural Minister), Saad Riaz (National Morale booster / Telecom Minister / Health Minister / Our rep in UNO), Sarfraz (Information Minister/ Education Minister /Rural Development Minister/ Ambassador to Denmark)

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Ali Aftab and Abdul Rehman

I took two pictures and they both seem cool to me :). Ali Aftab is fellow GIKIan and here he is doing an MS from Mechanical Department. Abdul Rehman is from UET, Taxila and he is doing MS in SOC.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

2005 12 01

Today was a busy day. I went to student union for the clearance. Then I went to my travel agent. On my way back, at T-Centralen exit near Serg Torg I met a teenage girl who was collecting fund for Pakistani earthquake. First I went pass her but then I turned back and went to her. It turned out that her whole class is doing this. I thought she is from Pakistan but she turned out as Latin American. She had question about Red cross usage if the collected money. Anyway it was nice seeing other nationals doing efforts for Pakistan. I forgot to take her picture but otherwise it was busy day for my camera. I will post more pics soon but here are few of them. Two My picture were taken by my roommate Rehman using my FinePix A330.